Tuesday, February 09, 2010


Greetings to all!

My blog has been neglected for the past five years while I've been finishing an undergrad and then my master in social work (MSW) degree at Temple University. My studies will be over by the middle of the year and I'm looking forward to how I can use my new skills.

Interestingly enough, my new skills are more often than not old skills with new names. Scripture says that "there is nothing new under the sun". This has been true of my path toward my MSW. Many of the social work and counseling theories to which I am most drawn as ones that reflect the same Science of Mind/New Thought principles by which I have lived my life for the past 25 years.

With the addition of my MSW, and license as a social work (LSW) in time (target date: August 2010), I will have professional and academic recognition of the kind of work I've been studying, practicing and teacher for nearly three decades.

One of the ways I'm doing this is through the creation of the New Thought Center of Central Pennsylvania. Currently our fledgling group is meeting once a month, beginning with a book study of the Ernest Holmes classic, "This Thing Called You". The people involved range from long-time students of new thought and Science of Mind, to others who are seeking a new outlook on life, or just curious about how SoM can enhance their own beliefs and spiritual practices.

It's an exciting time to be, once again, co-creating something new! I am un-attached (as opposed to "de-tached") from the outcome and am enjoy enthusiastic anticipation. This blog will be the next step on the NTCCP’s growth by posting articles, essays and blog-thoughts based on SoM and New Thought philosophies.

I hope you will join us at our meetings if you are in the area or participate in the postings and discussions online.

Until then…in Spirit, Truth and Playfulness,

Dr. Terry