Monday, August 27, 2012

Take Just a Moment

I stopped at the post office one day last week for some stamps on my way into my office at Unity of Harrisburg. I asked if there were any “Love” stamps and the clerk quickly got them out of his drawer for me. “These are the only kind of stamps we should be selling,” he said. “With all the awful things going on in the world,” he continued, “we need more love.”

I suggested to him that if we look in the right places we can find so much good in the world and in our community. Though, I admitted to him, it’s not usually found on the news. When he complained that there wasn’t anywhere locally that was positive, I smiled and gave him my business card from Unity. “You’ll find it here,” I said, “every Sunday at 10:00am and we’re just down the street!”

He laughed and said he should have known he was talking to a pastor. I didn’t see him on Sunday, but it got me to thinking just how easy it is to show someone who is obviously in distress that there is an alternative. I also realized that my attitude shifted as well, leaving the post office feeling deeply grateful that I have a people in my life who are willing to do something about their lives instead of buying into the “stinkin’ thinkin’” with which we can come into contact on a daily basis.

At the bottom of this blog you’ll see a link. It’s to a “TED talk”. If you’re not familiar with TED (technology, entertainment and design), it’s worth a look. It’s a stellar example of how many people in the world are making a difference. This particular link is one that will take you about ten minutes to watch. I encourage you to do so. Besides being an amazing visual treat, I found it to be centering and uplifting.

At least I did the second time I watched it. The first time I brought it up on my laptop, listening to it, glancing occasionally at the images, while I caught up on email on my desktop and programming my new mobile device. MADNESS!

Take just a moment today. Stop what you are doing and look around at the world around you. Nothing in your sightline will ever be the same. Do you really want to miss that? Being in the moment and being mindful of our surroundings allows Spirit to revive us. In that flow of Divine Love all is possible.

In Spirit, Truth and Playfulness,

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