Monday, October 27, 2014

Using Methodical Madness to Our Advantage

Do you ever create a “To Do” list, or what I like to call my “Accomplishment List,” only to find it screaming at you later in the day? I am often asked how I keep all the different parts of my life organized. Granted, using Evernote on my mobile devices and desktop has become an indispensable tool. But there is another reason. I see my life and all that I do, both what others call my ministry and what I call my life, as One.
There was a time when I was a man of many masks – not faces, masks. I was a completely different person depending on where I was and with whom. Sure, I still use what my partners call my “flight attendant voice” at times, but today pretty much what you see is what you get. We cannot be authentic if we are always being what other people expect us to be, or changing our persona to fit the circumstance. Frankly, if I can’t be myself where I am then I have to question why I’m there in the first place.
There’s a term I think about when life gets a little crazy at times:  Methodical madness! I heard that term on NPR a while back referring to someone who has ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). I have learned to enjoy the madness of my tendency toward ADD to accomplish more than I ever thought possible.
My partners tell me that what I really suffer from is “AD...OSO,” or “Attention Deficit….OH! SHINY OBJECT!” Kidding aside, I do not suffer from ADD or anything else. I am not willing to claim it. Remember in the Bible when God brought the animals to Adam? Scripture says that Adam named them and he received dominion over them. It is a wonderful metaphysical lesson:  Name it and it’s yours, only in this case what we name gains dominion over us.
I call it a “tendency toward ADD” and not my my ADD. When we own a disease, condition, person or situation it becomes a noose around our neck. Sometimes it becomes a life sentence. Recognizing the areas in our lives that are out of balance and taking responsibility is one thing; allowing something to run or ruin our life is another thing entirely.
Is there something in your life that is stopping you from living life to the fullest? If so, ask yourself why you continue to put up with it, work around it, or allow it to force you to live a life that is less than stellar. I love to see people make decisions to thinking differently about physical or psychological issues. We can affect change and create lives truly worth living instead of “just getting by.”
Let me help you with some problem that’s been nagging you for longer than you’d like! Call, email, or make an appointment to spend some time together to get to the bottom of the problem and move beyond! We are all One Mind – within YOU is the Knower that knows the answer to any challenge you face.
In Spirit, Truth and Playfulness,


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