Friday, May 11, 2012

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

There have been a number of events in my life lately that have given birth to this week’s blog message. I needn’t go into details. Details often cloud the issue, don’t you think? Suffice it to say that I’ve been sufficiently advised by the Universe that we all need to remember this … now!

I can get so very distracted when there’s so much to do. I’m not completely moved into my new office at Unity of Harrisburg, yet my schedule is already full each day with meetings, counseling appointments, visitations and running a corporation with a six-figure budget. I hope this week between writing my talk for Sunday and getting out my weekly message that I’ll manage to get the boxes of books unpacked in my new office!

And that’s my point – it is not easy to write a talk while looking at boxes of books that “should” be put on selves, categorized and alphabetized. But the books are not more important than having a talk for my Mother’s Day service on Sunday. It’s about prioritizing and that means something may not get done.

Don’t sweat the small stuff. The books will get put on the shelves eventually and they are, for now, out of the way. But here’s the Cosmic Giggle when it comes to setting a thing or two aside instead of making oneself crazy attempting to do everything for everyone at once:  When we focus on just one thing and do it well, we end up completing the task in record time. Why?

The longer we keep in mind a positive outcome to our dilemmas the more energy we are focus on accomplishing the task instead of worrying about not getting it done. The reverse is also true, which is why the more anxious we become about what is not yet done the more frantic and scattered we find ourselves.

Consider your projects for today and pick just one upon which to concentrate your efforts. Reap the rewards of accomplishment as you feel satisfied about following through with your plans. Then, put your feet up and relax for a few minutes. You just worked hard and deserve a break!

In Spirit, Truth and Playfulness,

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