Wednesday, October 10, 2012

We Are One

One of the foundation principles I teach is the oneness of all creation. Political commentary, particularly during a presidential election year, seems to be the opposite of that concept. In the midst of close political races some religions are crossing the line between church and state. This action perpetuates rifts between spiritual communities.

I recently read the following poem in an email from Rev. Dr. Peggy Price, which I feel puts the current situation into perspective:

The moment you stand up and claim your divinity,
Christ is reborn within your heart,
Buddha rejoices,
Mohammed dances upon the mountaintop,
Lao Tzu winks approvingly
And the Promise of the Tree of Life is Fulfilled.

The “our way is THE way” cry will continue to divide the human race, making planetary unification impossible. Acceptance of the ways and rights of others does not need to be approval. Acceptance does, however, mean living among one another with respect, honor and love. Those principles are central to all major religions and spiritual paths, yet we are seeing less and less evidence of such in the news media.

When we recognize our own Divinity and refuse to blame anyone for our circumstances we move closer to seeing the Divinity in others. In a society that demands accountability perhaps we might each take more personal responsibility in our own lives and happiness, and release the need to worry about what entitlements are being protested about from others.

I am proud to be a member of two major spiritual communities, both of which teach a philosophy of life applicable to people of all faiths and religions. I am equally proud that we do not require adherence to our beliefs to benefit from the teachings in which we believe. Our way is our way, it is a way, but it is not the way.

Be kind this week to everyone with whom you come in contact. Perhaps the person’s belief that is most diametrically opposed to ours is the one from which we can reap the most lasting benefit, if only we are willing to open our minds to the possibility of acceptance and unity.

In Spirit, Truth and Playfulness,

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